Aba Is Founded in 2014 in Ampenyin by Kwesi Blessed. After staying for five years in Ghana and seeing the conditions and the environmental problems and the situation of the youth .
Aba is founded in 2014 in Ampenyi by Kwesi Blessed. After staying for many years in Ghana and seeing the conditions and the environmental problems and the situation of the youth .
Aba means Africans Build Africa. The foundation is lead by Blessed Kwesi Amissah (Agya Kow Amii) as chairman, Constant Akwensi Selasi as vice chairman, Linda Limbadega As Administrator. Because of his roots and his experiences he knows about the needs and challenges from his homeland

we uplift our youth for future
Our vision is to provide equality and education for everybody.
The sustainable development goals of the UN and the African
Decade are the bottom of our work.
The key issues for our mission are to reduce poverty,create a
sustainable environment, build communities, and take
part in climate action, education and empowerment of Ghanaian Youth

Within our Cooperation with Engagement Global, voluntaries
from NRW Germany come to Ampenyi in Ghana every year.
The Voluntaries get to know the culture, food and landscape of
the country. In addition they see the daily life as well as the
challenges of Ghanaians from Ampenyi

Help Aba To Help Ghanaian Youth

Welcome to Aba-Ghana-Youth-Donation
Aba means Africans build Africa. The founder of our association Frank Blessed Amissah was born in Ghana in 1959 and has lived in Germany since 1984. Through his roots and his experiences he knows about the needs and challenges from his homeland. He founded the NGO Aba in the Year 2014 in Ampenyi with his own financial means and by helping the youth of Ampenyi and the nearby villages. He started by teaching the youth during the weekends. This happened because he spoke with many youths who were at the 9th class but were not able to count 2 x 2. He was able to teach them within two hours to count the 2 x 2 multiplication table up till the 12 x 12 multiplication. And so he started teaching them every weekend and at their free time
Cooperation with Engagement Global
Within our Cooperation with Engagement Global, Volunteers from NRW Germany come to Ampenyi, every year. Here, Evelyn From Dussildorf . She Is Learning To Build Her Own Bed With Bamboo
Anad-Aba KF-093-2019
Thematic Areas
Global Learning
We also aid global learning, foreign students are given the opportunity to get a hands on experience in Permaculture, upcycle and all of our many area of expertise.
Permacultureis a design system for creating sustainable human environments. The ecological and biological processes of the land, plants,animals, nutrition cycles, climate factors, weather cycles are all incorporated into a productive, functional permaculture system.
A long term environmental problem is non-degradable plastic waste all over the world. There are different solutions to deal with it. Our upcycling project tackles the issues of sustainability and poverty reduction in Ampenyi.
Our team
Meet our able team

IT specialist